The largest kumquat village in the Central region ‘burns’ every Tet season

TPO – Although there is more than a month left until the 2024 Lunar New Year, many kumquat gardens in Hoi An City (Quang Nam) have been purchased by traders. Thanks to favorable weather, this year’s kumquats produced quality, large, and beautiful fruits, making people happy.

Many kumquat gardens in the city. Hoi An is now ripe, people are busy fertilizing and pruning ornamental kumquat pots in time for traders to transport them. According to people, many gardens have been purchased so now they take care of them and wait for the car to pick them up.

The largest kumquat village in the Central region 'burns' during Tet season photo 2

Cam Ha commune (Hoi An city) is the largest kumquat growing area in the Central region with hundreds of gardeners. Every Tet holiday, gardeners in Cam Ha bring tens of thousands of ornamental kumquat pots to the market. Cam Ha kumquat is famous throughout the country. According to the reporter, many ornamental kumquat gardens in Cam Ha commune are busy these days, bustling with people taking care of them and people coming in and out to buy and sell.

The largest kumquat village in the Central region 'burns' during Tet season photo 3The largest kumquat village in the Central region 'burns' during Tet season photo 4

This year the weather is favorable so kumquats produce large, beautiful fruits. Many gardeners have been ordered early by traders, making people happy.

The largest kumquat village in the Central region 'burns' during Tet season photo 5

A kumquat farmer meticulously takes care of his family’s kumquat trees, waiting for a trader to come and take them away. The price was good and the sale was finalized early, so people were very excited.

The largest kumquat village in the Central region 'burns' during Tet season photo 6

The kumquat branches have a lot of fruit, and at the risk of branch breakage, farmers have to cut them off.

The largest kumquat village in the Central region 'burns' during Tet season photo 7

The kumquat garden of more than 500 trees belonging to Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh’s family (Cam Ha commune) was ordered by traders many months ago. “I am very happy because my kumquat garden has a good harvest this year and bears big, beautiful fruits. This year’s kumquat price ranges from 2 – 4 million VND/tree but has almost all been purchased. Currently, I just hire someone to take care of it, prune it and wait for the trader’s truck to pick it up,” Mr. Thanh happily said.

The largest kumquat village in the Central region 'burns' during Tet season photo 8

Many trees grow to be 2 – 5 meters tall, so people have to use ladders to prune branches to shape and maintain the tree’s standard shape.

The largest kumquat village in the Central region 'burns' during Tet season photo 9

The work of pruning branches is meticulously done by gardeners to maintain the shape of the tree, helping the tree have good green leaves, even yellow fruits, abundant fruit, showing prosperity, promising a good harvest in the new year. Should do it, good health.

The largest kumquat village in the Central region 'burns' during Tet season photo 10

For a long time, playing kumquat during Tet has been a beauty of many families. According to the concept, on Tet, if you choose a tree with both ripe fruit, green fruit and young buds, this represents completeness, success and luck. The kumquat tree is also a symbol of health, peace, longevity and luck in love.

The largest kumquat village in the Central region 'burns' during Tet season photo 11

According to Mr. Mai Kim Phuong, Chairman of Cam Ha Commune People’s Committee: The entire commune has about 400 households growing ornamental kumquats on an area of ​​more than 200 hectares. Cam Ha commune is considered the “capital” of ornamental kumquats in the Central region, this is the place that supplies large quantities of kumquats to provinces and cities from Quang Binh to Binh Dinh. Currently, many traders have ordered kumquats from the gardens and are being sold by people at prices similar to last year.

Hundred-year-old kumquat village wins the Tet crop
Hundred-year-old kumquat village wins the Tet crop

Hundred-year-old kumquat village wins the Tet crop
Hundred-year-old kumquat village wins the Tet crop

Kumquat bonsai has a good harvest, there are gardens where people have placed 2/3 of the number of trees in the garden
Unique ornamental plants attract customers during Tet

Duy Quoc – Nguyen Thanh

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