Assassination of Prigojin or plane crash? Experts evaluated on CNN TÜRK

The private jet, with Evgeny Prigojin, the leader of the Russian mercenary group Wagner, on the passenger list, crashed in Russia. Terror and Security Expert Coşkun Başbuğ, Terror and Security Expert Abdullah Ağar and Prof. Dr. Mesut Hakkı Caşın commented on the Neutral Zone moderated by Hürriyet Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Ahmet Hakan.

“The Russian State Might Have Punished”

“The Russian state may have punished a figure like Prigojin,” said Terrorism and Security Specialist Abdullah Agar.

“Why did the Russian Civil Aviation Authority need to make such a statement? On the other hand, Prigojin has strong connections with the Russian state and the deep state. Russia may have wanted to disable it because of these deep state and intelligence connections. The person who carried out this rebellion does not do risky things. Moscow He doesn’t walk around in . They may have said, ‘Live on the ground.’ Its detonation in the air is a strong sign of assassination. In the end, the Russian state’s wish came true. Russia became the message, ‘Punish those who betray the Russian state.'”


Emphasizing that there may be a bomb on the plane, Prof. Dr. Mesut Hakkı Caşın also said:

“My condolences to the Russian state. The plane cannot survive. There is complete lack of control on the plane. The plane is a small jet plane. This is an abnormal fall. Since this is a passenger plane, it is not possible for them to jump. There is no parachute in it. The plane’s departure route is from Moscow to Petersburg. a. Crashed in Tver. I’ve been there. Tver where there are heavy bombers. There may be sabotage. There may be a plastic bomb on the plane, it may have been dropped by a missile or something had been done to the engine before. There was an explosion and no combustion on the plane. Partial engine combustion Otherwise, the engine could leak. If it were, the pilot could have landed the plane. But there is nothing the pilot can do here. This fall is an abnormal idea. It would not be right to say anything before the crash report is released, but what I see is a bomb in it. Don’t be an ordinary plane crash. not likely. Give Tiver a good distance after taking off from Moscow. It means the plane has flown a lot. I wonder what the plane spoke to the tower? What did the pilot say to the tower? Tower talks will enlighten us.”


Stating that Prigojin has been talked about a lot lately, Coşkun Başbuğ used the following expressions:

“He was a very talked-about person in recent days. The origin of the problem with Putin was discussed from every angle. He was in Africa. There were broadcasts there. Alluding to Wagner, he made statements that would strengthen Russia’s presence in Africa. He attempted a coup. He was used by the foci. Did he do this because he suffered from power poisoning or was he used by some foci? I always said. I said it was used by Western foci. He was sent to Belarus. Lukoshenko hosted him. Then he took charge in the field as if nothing had happened. It was talked about whether there was collusion. I always questioned this. Wagner has a serious power in Africa. The Ukraine war has legitimized Wagner quite a bit. This situation is against the nature of the structure, that is, Putin made such a move to attract the illegal situation again. I thought you planned it. The statement in Africa…

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