Autonomy: Todde, ‘all regions must be involved in Lep definition’

Rome, 7 Oct. (Adnkronos) – “Today, during the fact-finding investigation on the determination and implementation of the essential performance levels (Lep) which took place in Cagliari, I reiterated a key concept: the Lep are the only true measure of the efficiency of the State in guaranteeing civil and social rights. We cannot accept that, more than 20 years after their introduction, they are still just words on paper.” Alessandra Todde, governor of Sardinia, wrote it on Facebook.

“Sardinia, unfortunately – he adds – is a region that continues to be heavily penalized in terms of education, infrastructure and employment. But it wasn’t so important to share the cahier de doleance, which we all know well, as to make the commission understand that without the necessary resources we are stuck with theory. The reality we live in is aggravated by a financing model based on ‘historical expenditure’ which does not respond to the current needs of the territories. This system does nothing but crystallize inequalities, leaving regions like ours further and further behind.”

“We want the Leps to return to the center of the national political agenda. Their definition must be based on real standard needs, not on old criteria that have already proven to be inadequate. The determination of the Leps is fundamental to ensure that the citizens of Sardinia have the same rights as those of richer regions. Rights such as access to work, education, health and mobility must be guaranteed uniformly throughout the national territory”, underlines Todde.

“It can no longer be accepted that the definition of the Lep is used only as a tool to favor the differentiated autonomy of some regions to the detriment of others. One million and 300 thousand citizens have already signed against this project, and four Regions have appealed to the Constitutional Court. We must listen to these voices.”

“We need to create a system in which every Region, even the most peripheral and least developed, has equal dignity. It is urgent to establish a permanent table in which all the Regions are involved in the definition of the Lep, to guarantee true territorial equity. Our future cannot depend on political games. It must be based on respect for the rights of all citizens, without any distinction”, concludes the Sardinian governor.

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