Bad weather in Tuscany, Lombardy and Liguria. The alarm goes off

AGI – The alert goes up in Liguria which from tonight at 10pm will become orange across the entire region – maximum level for thunderstorms – and from 12pm tomorrow it will be red on the large eastern basins, therefore the Spezzino area. Arpal announced it. The heaviest rainfall is expected starting this night and will continue until Tuesday evening, before a humid respite on Wednesday and the new disturbed passage on Thursday, linked to the arrival of the current hurricane Kirk which will reach Europe, marginally affecting also Northern Italy. From the evening onwards, the convergence between opposing east-southeast and north-northwest winds – already forming in the central sector of Liguria since the middle of the day – will become more robust and will favor the establishment of strong, organized and persistent thunderstorms in the night between Monday and Tuesday morning: the highest level warning for thunderstorms, the orange one, was issued for this type of event. The widespread and persistent rainfall, even heavy in intensity, will be accompanied by gale-force southern winds, with gusts exceeding 100 kilometers per hour. For tomorrow the attention will shift to the Levant, where the alert will be red for the large basins of area C.

A wave of strong bad weather is also expected in Tuscany tomorrow. The regional civil protection operations room has issued a code orange for hydraulic and hydrogeological risk in the Lunigiana until midnight tomorrow. But the entire region tomorrow, with the exception of the internal areas, will be on orange alert.

The Municipality of Livorno has ordered for tomorrow the suspension of teaching and educational activities of all schools of all levels and of public and private educational-scholastic services, the closure of municipal play centres, day centres, city parks, cemeteries and the closure of the municipal kennel to the public.

Orange alert also in Lombardy, in particular in Milan, where strong thunderstorms are expected from midnight and the civil protection has warned the inhabitants of areas near rivers at risk of flooding.

The forecasts are not reassuring even for Liguria, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano. Intense rain and thunderstorms will appear already in the morning and during the day they will also extend to Umbria and Lazio as well as Abruzzo and Molise.

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