Belarus announced a flow of thousands of Ukrainians from “prosperous Europe”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, Maxim Ryzhenkov, made a statement that tens of thousands of Ukrainians are fleeing to the country from “prosperous Europe”.

“Since the beginning of the conflict, more than 250 thousand Ukrainians have crossed our border with the EU. Recently, this figure has been 12-15 thousand per month, and these are official data from the border service,” he said at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.

According to the minister, this flow of refugees is clearly not directed towards the “aggressor”, but in the opposite direction – from “prosperous Europe”. Ryzhenkov emphasized that this number significantly exceeds the number of refugees leaving across the border into the EU.

He also drew attention to the fact that “pushing” migrants into the republic is another “dirty page” in the history of European “democracy.” At the same time, on the border with the EU, the military of some countries beat and torture thousands of refugees from Asia, Africa and the Middle East with impunity.

In addition, Ryzhenkov criticized the new Polish law, which expands the range of legal use of firearms by Polish military personnel against refugees.

Earlier it was reported that Norway would stop automatically providing asylum to Ukrainian refugees from Western Ukraine. Applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis as these areas are considered safe.

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