Call from the United Nations to the world about Israel – Internet News

UN rapporteurs stated that international law was violated in Israel’s attacks on Gaza and called for accountability. Noting that thousands of Palestinians died and serious humanitarian crises occurred in Israel’s attacks, the rapporteurs emphasized that civilians should be protected and access to humanitarian aid should be provided.


United Nations (UN) rapporteurs called for “accountability” for what happened in Gaza, where Israel has continued its attacks since October 7, 2023.

UN rapporteurs made a written statement on the first anniversary of Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

“After a year of losses, suffering and blatant disregard for international law, we call for an end to violence and accountability,” the statement said. expressions were used.

The statement emphasized that the increasing violence in the region also caused serious humanitarian crises, and emphasized the importance of accountability as well as the heavy human cost of the conflict.

In the statement, it was stated that nearly 42 thousand Palestinians died in Gaza and more than 97 thousand people, including 17 thousand children, were injured in Israel’s attacks.

The statement pointed out that approximately 2 million people, mostly children, were displaced in the Gaza Strip, and reminded that nearly 10 thousand Palestinians were still in the rubble.

The statement said, “Israeli forces killed 986 healthcare workers, humanitarian aid workers, including 225 UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) staff, and 126 journalists. Israel destroyed hospitals, schools and refugee camps and destroyed Gaza.” He didn’t leave a safe place either.” It was said.

During this period, the statement underlined that Israeli forces committed war crimes in Gaza that violate international law, including murder, deliberate targeting of civilians, disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks, starvation, forced transfer, arbitrary displacement and sexual violence, and noted that these could constitute crimes against humanity. .

The statement stated that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) warned that there was a risk of irreparable harm to the Palestinians’ right to be protected from genocide.

It was stated in the statement that the violence in Gaza had spread to other countries in the region, and that there was great concern about the increase in tension in Lebanon, where more than 2 thousand people died in Israeli attacks.

“This expansion of the conflict clearly violates international law and the UN Charter, endangering the peace and stability of a region that has been plagued by conflict for decades,” the statement said. expressions were used.

The statement called on all parties to the conflict to stop attacks and protect civilians, and emphasized the importance of providing uninterrupted access to humanitarian aid and humanitarian aid workers in Gaza.

The statement also emphasized that countries in the region should reduce violence.

UN special rapporteurs

UN special rapporteurs are known as part of the process known as the “special mechanisms of the Human Rights Council”.

Independent ad hoc mechanisms in the UN Human Rights system stand out as independent information gathering and monitoring mechanisms of the Council that address the situation of a particular country or thematic issues elsewhere in the world.

Experts from special mechanisms that are not within the institution carry out their work on a voluntary and independent basis.

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