Countdown to ‘goodbye’ by Pablo Hermoso

The legend of world bullfighting, Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, is about to say goodbye to the Lagunero fans in what will be a bullfight that will remain in the history of regional bullfighting, for which the countdown has already begun.

The Navarrese maestro, in his farewell campaign to the Mexican bullrings, will come to La Laguna this Saturday, November 25, when he will make a last walk in the Alberto Balderas Bullring, in Ciudad Lerdo. Since the first time that Pablo Hermoso came to delight the Lagunero fans, during the first years of the 21st century, in the Torreón Bullring, every time he has been announced in this region, it has been a true event, no one likes miss the opportunity to see him perform alongside his majestic stable of horses, much less on this occasion, in which he will say “goodbye” to the lines of the Lordense square.


And Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza is not coming to retire, already squeezing his last drops of bullfighting, his age does not prevent him from still being a reference in bullfighting worldwide, proof of this is the magnificent performances that precede this event in La Laguna, Well, he has shown signs of his enormous quality, in highly important places during his Mexican farewell. Just last weekend, Pablo cut off two ears and tail from a bull belonging to Bernaldo de Quirós, to leave through the front door in the Plaza La Jerezana, in Jerez, Zacatecas; It was that, his seventh tail in the current Mexican farewell season.

For years, Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza has been named “The Best Rejoneador in the world”, and he has not failed to live up to that appellation, because beyond obtaining ears and tails, with his style he has reinvented bullfighting on horseback and that is why that triumphs have come here and there, in addition to making it a box office magnet. Already in his farewell season within the Mexican rings, he has undertaken his long and nostalgic farewell journey to bullfighting, he chose Mexico as his starting point, since he considers this country as “his second home”, not in vain, He has a beautiful property in the state of Guanajuato, where in addition to resting, he raises his horses, the great passion of his life.


The current stable of horses that accompanies the Navarrese master is made up of unique specimens in the world, horses that captivate spectators and that, like their rider, are already part of the history of national bullfighting. Among the horses that will come to La Laguna, along with Pablo Hermoso, are: Barrabás, Alquimista, Churumay, Jíbaro, Murmullo, Nómada, Sherpa, Ágora, Disparate, Navegante, Talento, Alabama, Licorice, Ingrato, Justiciero and Corsario, son of the remembered Pirate, who during so many afternoons of glory, accompanied the Navarrese rejoneador.


Pablo Hermoso from Mendoza will say “Goodbye” to the La Laguna fans, in a sensational “hand in hand” with the young sensation from Querétaro, Diego San Román, next Saturday, November 25, starting at 4:30 p.m. This will be the last time that La Laguna bullfighters will be able to see Pablo in action, a man who revolutionized bullfighting on horseback and who put it back in the taste of fans, to the point of filling bullrings throughout the planet.

In pursuit of reaching 30 years of having taken the alternative, Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza remains, on his own merits, as a leading figure in equestrian bullfighting, being a watershed in the specialty and an obligatory reference when talking about the art of the Marquis of Marialva. With more than 2,500 bullfights, he holds the record of being the rejoneador with the greatest number of performances in the history of world bullfighting.


Along with the historic rejoneador, Diego San Román from Querétaro will appear, who will also seek to captivate the Lagunero fans, who will have the opportunity to see, in full, an already very pleasant reality of Mexican bullfighting. Just a couple of weeks ago, Diego cut off the only ear of the long-awaited celebration that was called “The Fantastic Four of Bullfighting” and that was held in the Nuevo Progreso Bullring, in Guadalajara, today, the most important bullfighting ring on the American continent. , before the closure of the Monumental Plaza México.

There, Diego San Román bullfighted alongside Isaac Fonseca, Héctor Gutiérrez and the lagunero Arturo Gilio Quintero, a bullfight from the La Estancia cattle ranch.

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