**Government: no reshuffles in sight, Santanché move lengthens ‘team’ times**

Rome, 9 Oct. (Adnkronos) – Everything remains as it is, every piece in its place. The shadows of a possible reshuffle or changes coming to the government team are receding. Raffaele Fitto, if everything goes smoothly, should definitively pack his bags for Brussels at the end of November, then there are the questions hovering over the head of tourism Daniela Santanché and Matteo Salvini, dealing with their legal troubles. What is shaking is not so much the position of the Northern League deputy prime minister, “if ever there were a conviction for the Open Arms trial, it would be a medal for the government…”, they say they are convinced in the ranks of the executive, but rather that of the businesswoman and minister with an FDI share , investigated for fraud against the INPS. But the ‘move’ played today by Santanché’s defense, assuming it goes to checkers, could extend the stay of the head of Tourism in the government team by a lot, removing any shadow linked to the Visibilia case.

The Milan preliminary hearing judge was in fact asked to transfer the proceedings to Rome, and if the green light were to be given to the request – the deadline is set for 23 October – the time would be extended by a lot, “Daniela will certainly see the end of the legislature …”, the optimism that can be felt in these hours. Optimism, qualified sources explain to Adnkronos, which is not at all linked to the ‘shield’ to which the Keeper of the Seals Carlo Nordio has appealed in recent days – i.e. article 27 of the Constitution on the presumption of innocence – but rather to the potentially ‘diluted’ times of the process.

The hypothesis of a government reshuffle would therefore remain to be ‘excluded a priori’, at least at the moment. With the prime minister’s idea of ​​not assigning the only soon-to-be vacant position – the superdicastery of Fitto – to others, but rather “redistributing” the package of delegations that up to now the Salento minister has managed alone. First of all, focusing on Palazzo Chigi, where Meloni can count on two undersecretaries such as Alfredo Mantovano and Giovanbattista Fazzolari, with the first acting as “director”. And later playing the card of an ad hoc undersecretary – two positions were lost in the sub-government, with the resignations of Vittorio Sgarbi and Augusta Montaruli – creating one for European Affairs. Assuming that a cold shower on the Santanché case doesn’t come from Milan. “A train leaves here every day, let’s hope no one goes off the tracks and derails…”, jokes a loyalist of the Prime Minister, making the necessary warnings.

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