Lukashenko increased the punishment of evaders and allowed prisoners to serve

On April 3, the self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Oleksandr Lukashenko, signed a law that provides for SMS subpoenas, increased punishments for evaders and the possibility of serving in the army for convicts and prison colonies.

Source: Zerkalo, “European Truth”

Details: The document appeared in an official publication on the National Legal Internet Portal on April 6. It includes many important changes regarding military service and mobilization.


According to the amendments, young people will now be registered for military service from the age of 16, but from the age of 17.

It will be possible to summon citizens to the military commissariat, in particular during mobilization, not only with a paper summons, but also with an SMS message. And paper summonses can now ambush a conscript not only at home, but also anywhere.

The law increases responsibility for evasion of measures regarding conscription into the army and for failure to appear at the military commissariat. For evading the army, it will be possible to receive not two, but three years of imprisonment, and the fines will increase several times.

The military commissions will have the right to restrict the departure from Belarus of citizens who “violate military registration obligations and evade conscription measures.” Now this will also apply to those who evade, for example, military and special assemblies.

In addition, it will be possible to recruit people of any age, people who are under investigation, with outstanding criminal records, prisoners from colonies for military service under a contract – such a decision can be taken by Lukashenko if it is necessary to “ensure the interests of defense and national security”.

The list of other changes is quite long: the age of being in the reserve for conscripted female privates is increasing, the list of citizens who are granted deferments during mobilization is changing, military commissariats will create reinforcement units, etc.

Practically all provisions of the law enter into force on April 7.

We will remind: At the beginning of April, Lukashenko declared that he was preparing Belarus for war, although, according to him, he did not want to fight.

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