Miersch is to succeed Kühnert as SPD general secretary

SPD parliamentary group deputy Matthias Miersch should follow dpa-Information from party circles will become the new SPD general secretary. Accordingly, the party leaders Saskia Esken and Lars Klingbeil have appointed Miersch as acting successor to Kevin Kühnert, who announced his resignation from the office of general secretary on Monday. Kühnert cited health reasons for the decision.

Loud dpa The 55-year-old Miersch is said to have been elected unanimously. The Hanover native has been a directly elected member of the Bundestag since 2005. Since 2015 he has also been spokesman for the Parliamentary Left, the left wing of the SPD parliamentary group. He has been deputy group leader since 2017.

Matthias Miersch negotiated the controversial heating law for the SPD

Miersch is considered an experienced politician and strategist. He is a proven advocate of the energy transition. Responsible for the environment, climate protection, energy, agriculture and consumer protection, the lawyer negotiated the controversial heating law with the FDP and the Greens.

It initially remained unclear whether Miersch would also take on the role of campaign manager, which was previously held by Kevin Kühnert. It seems conceivable that Miersch will step in to support party leader Klingbeil at this point. (with dpa)

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