New cover for genocide from Netanyahu: Resurrection war!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggested calling the attacks on Gaza and Lebanon the “War of Resurrection”. While Netanyahu described this war as a struggle for existence in which they would gain “absolute victory”, some cabinet members criticized the name for its historical connotations. Concerns about further intensification of regional conflicts due to Israeli attacks continue.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for the attacks, which have spread to Gaza for a year and now to Lebanon, and which is feared to turn into a regional conflict, to be called the “War of Resurrection”.

At the cabinet meeting held on the anniversary of October 7, 2023, Netanyahu asked to change the name “War Swords”, which they used in the genocide in Gaza, which spread to Lebanon and the risk of turning into a regional war reached its peak.

Defending that this is a “war of existence”, Netanyahu said: “War of Resurrection. I would like to officially define this war with this name.” he said.

Netanyahu claimed that they would achieve “absolute victory” by fulfilling the war’s objectives, which he changed and added new ones over the last year.

According to backstage information provided by Yediot Aharonot, some ministers in the cabinet referred to this name as the “war of independence” at the founding of Israel in 1948, which Palestinians call the “Great Disaster” (Nakbe) due to the massacre they were subjected to and the migration and asylum that lasted for generations. He objected on the grounds that it might resemble him.

In Israel’s ongoing attacks on Gaza, the ceasefire decisions announced by the United States and approved by the United Nations Security Council could not be implemented.

During this period, Netanyahu, who was criticized by the Israeli public, the press and the international community for not agreeing to a ceasefire, insisted on “the goals of the war, absolute victory”, and argued that the occupation of the Israeli army on the Gaza-Egypt border line Philadelphi Corridor, last September, was necessary to achieve these two.

Israel added “the safe return of its citizens evacuated from the North to their homes” as a target of the war in September, and announced that it would directly cease fire upon the establishment of a ceasefire in Gaza, and launched a violent attack against Hezbollah in Lebanon starting last month.

The wave of violence in the region does not slow down

The humanitarian and regional disaster that Israel has caused, primarily in Gaza, the West Bank, and now in Lebanon, continues since October 7, 2023, citing its “security”.

As a result of Israel’s year-long attacks on Gaza, approximately 42 thousand Palestinians, including 17 thousand children and 12 thousand women, lost their lives.

The images of Palestinians being bombed for a year since October 7, 2023 are watched by the whole world, but cannot be prevented, even though experts describe them as international war and against humanitarian law.

Despite the loss of life and displacement that occurred in the scenario where Israel carried its attacks to Lebanon, the USA recently announced an increased military aid package of $ 8.7 billion to Israel.

It is feared that the regional conflict will become more violent and complex with Israel’s response following Iran’s recent ballistic missile attack.

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