The Head of Organization and Administration issues the executive rules for the decision to promote employees in the state’s administrative apparatus

Sharif Harby

Published on: Thursday, October 17, 2024 – 5:48 PM | Last updated: Thursday, October 17, 2024 – 5:48 PM

Dr. Saleh Al-Sheikh, head of the Central Agency for Organization and Administration, issued Circular No. (1) of 2024 regarding the executive rules for the decision of the head of the agency No. (598) of 2024, regarding the promotion of employees in the state’s administrative apparatus, in light of the state’s keenness to improve the conditions of employees and pay their families. Efficiency to higher positions in order to advance and develop the level of performance within the units of the state’s administrative apparatus, and to motivate them to exert more effort, leading to the provision of higher quality services that meet the satisfaction of citizens.

The head of the Central Agency for Organization and Administration confirmed, in a statement today, Thursday, that issuing the circular comes within the framework of ensuring justice and preserving the rights of all employees, and to ensure the accuracy of the implementation of the aforementioned decision by all units of the state’s administrative apparatus addressed with its provisions, as the agency prepared the rules. Accompaniment to be adhered to when implementing the decision issued to promote employees of the state administrative apparatus who have completed the necessary interim period for promotion on 6/30/2024.

The agency calls on all units addressed with the provisions of the aforementioned resolution to take into account what was stated in the accompanying executive rules, noting that failure to provide the agency with the documents contained in those rules is considered an obstruction to it from carrying out its affairs, which will result in delaying the promotions of the employees of those units.

The periodical book included the following:
First: General provisions
When implementing Resolution No. (598) of 2024 regarding the promotion of employees of the state’s administrative apparatus, the following must be taken into account:
1- The provisions of the aforementioned Resolution No. (598) of 2024 apply to employees in ministries, government departments and agencies, and local administration units subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Law promulgated by Law No. 81 of 2016, and employees of public service and economic bodies for whom the aforementioned Civil Service Law is considered general law. .

2- Lawyers subject to the provisions of the Law on Legal Departments in Public Institutions, Public Bodies and Their Affiliated Units promulgated by Law No. 47 of 1973 will be promoted to higher grades on the basis of the intervening periods in the grades from which they are promoted, in accordance with the career progression stipulated in this law, from lawyer to excellent lawyer. Passing an interim period of (8 years), and from an excellent lawyer to the director of a recurring or supervisory legal department over the passage of an interim period of (6 years), taking into account the registration periods stipulated in Article (13) of the aforementioned Legal Departments Law.

3- All those subject to the provisions of the Law Regulating the Affairs of Members of the Medical Professions working in entities affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Population, other than those subject to special laws or regulations issued by Law No. 14 of 2014, shall be promoted in accordance with the career progression stipulated in this law, to the higher grades on the basis of inter-annual periods in The promotional grades include “fourth (5 years), third (8 years), second (6 years) and first (6 years)”, which is included in these jobs with all their titles.

4- Taking into account the provisions of Article (65) of the Civil Service Law or special laws and regulations as the case may be, promotion requires the fulfillment of the following conditions and the absence of the following impediments on 6/30/2024:

*Promotion conditions:
-The employee must meet the conditions for filling the position to which he is promoted.
-Fulfilling the interim periods stipulated in Tables Nos. (1, 2, 3) accompanying the aforementioned Civil Service Law or any text relating to special laws or regulations.
This is without relying on performance evaluation reports.

*Contraindications for promotion:
-If the employee is seconded.
-If he is on unpaid leave, excluding sick leave and childcare leave.
-If he is subject to the penalty of deduction from wages for a period or periods exceeding ten days, or a penalty more severe than that, before the penalty imposed on him is erased.
-If he is referred to a disciplinary or criminal trial or suspended from work, for the duration of the referral or suspension, and in this case it is not permissible to delay the employee’s promotion for a period exceeding two years.
While the competent authority issues the executive decision to promote employees who have completed the necessary interim periods for promotion on 6/30/2024 in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. (598) of 2024 referred to, the promotion will take place as of 7/1/2024, after taking all the procedures stipulated in the provisions. Law No. 73 of 2021 regarding conditions for occupying or continuing jobs and its executive regulations.

Promoters also retain the remaining periods of seniority after promotion as of 7/1/2024, provided that the employee’s promotion does not exceed one job level.

It is ensured that all procedures for placing all employees subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Law at job levels equivalent to their grades have been completed as of 11/2/2016, whether they are deserving of promotion or not, in implementation of the provisions of Article Four of the articles issuing the Civil Service Law, taking into account the procedures and controls. Residence mentioned in the agency’s circular book No. (1) of 2019.

When granting the incentive stipulated in the second paragraph of Article Three of Resolution No. (598) of 2024 referred to, the following controls must be taken into account:
-The incentive will be granted as of 1/7/2024 to anyone who has held one of the job levels or financial grades – as the case may be – for a period of three years as stated in the table mentioned in Article Four of Resolution No. (598) of 2024 referred to.
The following periods shall be deducted from the period the employee spent in one of the job levels or financial grades – as the case may be – mentioned in Article Three of the aforementioned decision:

-The three-year period for which the employee was granted the incentive stipulated by the head of the agency’s decision No. (265) of 2021.
-The three-year period for which the employee was granted the incentive stipulated by the head of the agency’s decision No. (155) of 2022.
-The three-year period for which the employee was granted the incentive.

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