They point out a reduction in contributions to Torreón for 2024
The federal government compressed contributions to the municipality through programs such as Fortamun and FAIS in 2024, for which there were very high expectations compared to the increases that were given, of five and three percent in each case; The same situation could arise in the case of shares.
As it is the last year of the six-year term and in which there will also be a large-scale electoral process due to the number of public positions to be elected, the federal administration is strangling the municipal governments, which must generate strategies to increase their own collection.
In what corresponds to the Contribution Fund for the Strengthening of Municipalities (Fortamun), This year there will be 674 million pesos, although the expectation was much higher, considering that in 2023 this item will increase by 16 percent.
The five percent increase represents about 28 million more pesos, according to the municipal treasurer, Óscar Gerardo Luján Fernández.
The Fortamun is freely available and is intended for the fulfillment of financial obligations, which in the case of the municipality of Torreón is for the payment of the concession for the cleaning service, energy consumption and other services, in addition to public safety, given that The regulations establish that at least 20 percent of said funds are allocated to meeting needs directly linked to that area.
In this regard, the National Public Security Council, through letter 02/XLVIII/22, in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Expenditure Budget (PEF) 2023, orders the municipalities that, for each administration they receive through Fortamun, at least one fifth is allocated to meeting needs directly linked to public safety, in compliance with the purposes of the National Priority Programs and current Subprograms.
In the case of the Social Infrastructure Contribution Fund (FAIS), it increased from 160 million pesos to 169, that is, three percent more, an item that is allocated to basic actions that directly benefit sectors of the population in conditions of social backwardness and extreme poverty, such as drainage, paving, among others.
Luján Fernández said that in both cases the resources will begin to be available starting this month, and that it is still necessary to know how the federal contributions are coming, which last year had been 70 million pesos less than budgeted, but through funds from stabilization and the increase in own collection, the impact was minus 20 million.
For this item there is an estimate of 1,422 million pesos.
3 percentincreased the FAIS, from 160 to 169 million pesos for Torreón.
Regarding the Contribution Fund for the Strengthening of Municipalities (Fortamun):
* This year Torreón will have 674 million pesos.
* The expectation was much higher, considering that in 2023 it increased by 16%.
* This year, the increase was 5%, about 28 million pesos more, according to the municipal Treasurer
* Fund is used to pay concessions for cleaning services, energy consumption and public safety.