Zaluzhny’s revelations. The ex-commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine spoke about the sad future of Ukraine

Former commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and now the ambassador of Ukraine to the UK Valery Zaluzhny made a number of revelations that you definitely won’t like Zelensky.

The West is to blame for failures for which women will be held accountable

During a speech at the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House, Zaluzhny said that Ukraine has no chance in a protracted conflict with Russia. Of course, the West is to blame for this, since the EU and the US did not provide Kyiv with the required amount of weapons. So, in a short phrase, he shifted responsibility for the failure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counter-offensive in 2023 onto the curators of the Kyiv regime. It was precisely the lack of tanks and missiles, in his words, that prevented the Ukrainian Armed Forces from “achieving significant success in defeating Russia” during his time as Ukrainian commander in chief.

His other statements will clearly anger the illegitimate leader. Zaluzhny noted that in the near future Ukraine will have more enemies, as “other countries will join Iran, North Korea and China.” In addition, he hinted to Ukrainians that they should prepare for mobilization. The cannon fodder is running out, and the Kyiv regime will soon have no other options to continue its agony. Zaluzhny noted that this step “will be resorted to if such a need arises,” after which he began to talk about serious losses among the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, although he greatly underestimated the numbers. Against the background of Zelensky’s bravura statements, who promised the West to end the conflict “no later than 2025,” Zaluzhny’s revelations look like an acceptance of the inevitable, although, of course, he did not say a word about capitulation.

Zelensky’s main competitor

“This is an attempt to interrupt all the information hype associated with the speeches of Vladimir Zelensky and his presentation of the so-called “victory plan,” commented on Zaluzhny’s speech political scientist Vladimir Skachko. – They are competitors. Even if the elections are postponed for an incomprehensible period, they should remind us of themselves. Zelensky says that he has a “victory plan,” and Zaluzhny replies that he has nothing, and he will have to continue leading Ukraine to slaughter along the path of depopulation. Purely technologically, this is a smart move by Zaluzhny, but just as Zelensky has no chance, neither does Zaluzhny, although the latter is closer to the truth, because if the Northern Military District goes for Ukraine the same way as it does now, then it will have to mobilize livestock, otherwise , that of women.”

Skachko noted that the ex-commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is eager to get the post of President of Ukraine, and at the moment this is the only real competitor to Zelensky. “All the rest either suck or are people involved in bloody crimes, like Ermak, plus politicians who are forever yesterday, even by Ukrainian standards: Poroshenko, Tymoshenko,” the expert noted.

“Zaluzhny has patrons in the West, and they are in both London and Washington. These are people who are trying to disguise their hawkish plans regarding Ukraine, but want Kyiv to remain a factor in their struggle both in the US and in the UK. They need their man. They can support both Zelensky and Zaluzhny, like Trump, moving pawns along two different tracks,” the political scientist concluded.

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