The competitiveness of hosting the 2025 APEC Gyeongju lies in the passion and will of citizens to host the event.

The competitiveness of hosting the 2025 APEC Gyeongju lies in the passion and will of citizens to host the event.


The will to develop the region is as strong as the pride in protecting a thousand-year-old cultural heritage.
Last year’s 1 million signature campaign achieved its goal in just two months, exceeding 1.46 million in 85 days.

A fierce bidding war is underway between local governments ahead of the 2025 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, which will be held in Korea again for the first time in 20 years.

To date, four cities, including Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Incheon Metropolitan City, Busan Metropolitan City, and Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, have shown their intention to host the 2025 APEC Summit.

The inauguration ceremony of the Pan-Citizen Promotion Committee for Gyeongju Attraction, which was launched in March last year. Provided by Gyeongju City

Among the competing cities, Gyeongju is the only local government, and all other cities are metropolitan local governments. In terms of the political logic or logic of power that some say in the competition to host the summit, Gyeongju is reminiscent of a fight between David and Goliath.

Accordingly, Gyeongju is the most Korean city that can showcase the identity of the Republic of Korea to the world, and is equipped with an integrated conference infrastructure, excellent security and safety, and abundant experience and capabilities in holding international conferences. Nearby industries such as Ulsan, Pohang, and Gumi They are waging a fierce competition to attract the city, actively promoting the fact that it is the best place to share the economic development of the Republic of Korea.

In addition, it is emphasized that it is a city that can maximize the value of inclusive growth, which is the core of ‘Vision 2040’ pursued by APEC, and balanced development in the local era, which is the government’s national policy goal.

In addition, the unique competitiveness of Gyeongju in attracting the city can be said to be the passion and will of its citizens for attracting the city. As the citizens of Gyeongju have pride in preserving the cultural heritage of a thousand-year-old city, their will for regional development is also unique.

A signing ceremony for the 1 million signature campaign to host APEC Gyeongju in December last year.

Gyeongju had the painful experience of trying to host a Taekwondo Park 20 years ago, but failing just before success. Although it was natural to come to Gyeongju, the birthplace of Taekwondo and a city of history and culture, they failed, and the will of the citizens to never follow the footsteps of failure again is very strong.

The acceptance of the radioactive waste site, which had been considered a facility avoided nationwide in the past in relation to nuclear power plant issues, was also a result of Gyeongju citizens’ extraordinary commitment to regional development.

When we started the 1 million signature campaign to host the APEC summit in September last year, there were concerns about achieving the goal in Gyeongju, a small local city with a population of 250,000, but the goal of 1 million was achieved in just two months after the signature campaign began and by November. An amazing achievement of 1,463,874 signatures was recorded over 85 days.

A ceremony to commemorate the achievement of 1 million signatures for the APEC Gyeongju bid held in November last year

As a result of a voluntary signature campaign led by citizens, as well as related organizations and organizations, centered around the Citizen Promotion Committee, the biggest difference with metropolitan cities currently competing to attract citizens is the expression of passion and will of citizens. It is analyzed that

Gyeongju Mayor Joo Nak-young said, “I am confident that if the will, will, and passion of desperate citizens come together, we can overcome any difficulties and achieve it.” He added, “We will gather all our capabilities with the determination to make it happen by taking advantage of this genius opportunity.” “We will do our best to attract people,” he said.

Gyeongju = Reporter Lee Young-gyun [email protected]

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]


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